Contact Us

For NON URGENT queries, we aim to answer your query within 2 working days.

Please note this is only open to our registered patients.

Areas where we can help:

Non urgent queries for your GP, Nurse or other staff – please drop us a message and we will try to help as best we can (e.g. chasing up your scan results/ referrals/ follow up question for our clinician/ etc.)


Stress or Low Mood/ Mild depression – Please contact Talk Wandsworth directly on 02035136264 to get help from highly trained psychologists.

Minor Eye problems – Please click on our list of Minor eye conditions service providers and call the number directly to get possible same day access to high quality optician reviews.

Musculoskeletal problems (e.g. back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain) – we can book you in directly with our in-house First Contact Physiotherapist to alleviate all your aches and pains.

Mild or long term mental health problems, those with complex needs, those who are socially isolated or with multiple long term conditions frequently visiting the GP or hospital – we can refer you directly to our in-house Social Prescriber Link Worker to support you with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs to improve your mental health and physical wellbeing. He/ She can also help you with your housing and financial difficulties and signpost you to get more assistance.

Lack of motivation to improve your health – we can refer you directly to our in-house Health and Wellbeing Coach who will use a non- judgmental approach to support you to develop your knowledge, skills and confidence to become an active participant in your own care so that you can reach your self-identified health and wellbeing goals.

Wanting to take better control of your chronic disease (e.g Diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, etc.) – why not join the Expert Patient Program (a self management course for adults) by contacting them directly on 02088126750 or emailing them on

Have an already diagnosed mental health problem and need support with your care – we can refer you to our Adult mental health worker who is psychologically trained to support you with your established psychiatric diagnosis.

Mental Health Support for children – Please click on this link to see all the services available in the area for children living and studying in Wandsworth.

Help for parents/ carers of children aged 0-19 years old (e.g. childcare, education, health and leisure activities, parenting support or money matters) – you can contact Family Action Wandsworth directly on 02088717899 or email

Children needing psychological support (ages 11-18) – Please contact Catch 22 Wandsworth directly on 07770573131 or